Intercontinental Exchange

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After Hours: 4:02 PM EDT
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컨센서스 가격 목표1

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Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE) 주식, 분석가 평가, 목표 가격, 예측

Intercontinental Exchange Inc의 합의된 목표 주가는 99개의 최신 애널리스트 평가를 살펴보고 설정되었습니다. 마지막 3개의 애널리스트 평가는 7월 1, 2024, 5월 21, 2024 및 5월 3, 2024에 Goldman Sachs, Argus Research 및 JP Morgan에서 발표되었습니다. Goldman Sachs, Argus Research 및 JP Morgan 사이의 평균 목표 주가는 $157로, 이러한 3개의 애널리스트 평가에서 Intercontinental Exchange Inc에 대한 암시된 11.51% upside가 있습니다.

분석가 추세
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분석가 평가
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추천을 하는 애널리스트 회사들1

Goldman Sachs
Argus Research
JP Morgan

1애널리스트 평가로부터 계산됨

Intercontinental Exchange에 대한 애널리스트 평점

Buy NowGet Alert
07/01/2024Buy Now18.62%Goldman Sachs
Alexander Blostein
→ $167UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
05/21/2024Buy Now8.67%Argus Research
Kevin Heal
→ $153ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
05/03/2024Buy Now7.25%JP Morgan
Ken Worthington
$147 → $151MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
05/03/2024Buy Now6.54%Barclays
Benjamin Budish
$155 → $150MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
05/03/2024Buy Now16.49%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
$164 → $164MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/03/2024Buy Now10.09%Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Kyle Voigt
$156 → $155MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
04/19/2024Buy Now8.67%B of A Securities
Craig Siegenthaler
$156 → $153MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/09/2024Buy Now0.86%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$139 → $142MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
04/08/2024Buy Now10.09%Barclays
Benjamin Budish
$153 → $155MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
04/04/2024Buy Now13.64%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
$155 → $160MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/04/2024Buy Now7.96%Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Kyle Voigt
→ $152MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
02/13/2024Buy Now-1.27%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$133 → $139MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
02/13/2024Buy Now10.09%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
$146 → $155MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/12/2024Buy Now8.67%Barclays
Benjamin Budish
$148 → $153MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
02/12/2024Buy Now13.64%UBS
Alex Kramm
$145 → $160MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/12/2024Buy Now5.83%Piper Sandler
Patrick Moley
$135 → $149MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
02/09/2024Buy Now7.25%JP Morgan
Ken Worthington
$142 → $151MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
02/09/2024Buy Now16.49%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
$154 → $164MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/12/2024Buy Now3.7%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
$130 → $146MaintainsBuyGet Alert
01/08/2024Buy Now5.12%Barclays
Benjamin Budish
$120 → $148UpgradeEqual-Weight → OverweightGet Alert
01/05/2024Buy Now2.99%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
11/28/2023Buy Now-11.93%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$119 → $124MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
11/03/2023Buy Now9.38%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
$168 → $154MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/11/2023Buy Now-15.48%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$118 → $119MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
10/11/2023Buy Now-4.11%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$134 → $135MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/10/2023Buy Now-14.77%Barclays
Jeremy Campbell
$122 → $120MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
10/09/2023Buy Now19.33%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
→ $168ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
10/05/2023Buy Now-4.11%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$137 → $135MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
09/22/2023Buy Now-11.22%Goldman Sachs
Alexander Blostein
→ $125Reinstates → NeutralGet Alert
09/19/2023Buy Now-4.82%Jefferies
Daniel Fannon
$129 → $134MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/08/2023Buy Now-0.56%UBS
Alex Kramm
$135 → $140MaintainsBuyGet Alert
09/06/2023Buy Now-16.19%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$124 → $118MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
09/05/2023Buy Now-2.69%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$133 → $137MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
08/04/2023Buy Now-13.35%Barclays
Jeremy Campbell
$128 → $122MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
08/04/2023Buy Now-7.66%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
$117 → $130UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
08/04/2023Buy Now19.33%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
→ $168ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
08/04/2023Buy Now-10.51%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$125 → $126MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/04/2023Buy Now-5.53%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$130 → $133MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
07/13/2023Buy Now-11.93%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$120 → $124MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
07/13/2023Buy Now-9.08%Barclays
Jeremy Campbell
$123 → $128MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
07/11/2023Buy Now-16.9%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
→ $117ReiteratesNeutral → NeutralGet Alert
07/11/2023Buy Now-7.66%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$127 → $130MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
07/10/2023Buy Now19.33%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
→ $168ReiteratesBuy → BuyGet Alert
07/05/2023Buy Now-4.11%Piper Sandler
Patrick Moley
$125 → $135MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
06/28/2023Buy Now-12.64%Barclays
Jeremy Campbell
→ $123Initiates → Equal-WeightGet Alert
05/08/2023Buy Now-14.77%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$123 → $120MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
05/05/2023Buy Now-14.77%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$122 → $120MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/11/2023Buy Now-12.64%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$120 → $123MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
04/06/2023Buy Now-7.66%UBS
Alex Kramm
$119 → $130MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/06/2023Buy Now19.33%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
→ $168Reiterates → BuyGet Alert
04/06/2023Buy Now-9.79%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$126 → $127MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
03/01/2023Buy Now-13.35%Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Kyle Rose
$125 → $122MaintainsMarket PerformGet Alert
02/03/2023Buy Now-16.9%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
$110 → $117MaintainsNeutralGet Alert
02/03/2023Buy Now19.33%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
$164 → $168MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/03/2023Buy Now-10.51%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$130 → $126MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
01/12/2023Buy Now-9.79%Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Kyle Voigt
$125 → $127MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
01/11/2023Buy Now-14.77%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$116 → $120MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
12/06/2022Buy Now-7.66%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$123 → $130MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
11/17/2022Buy Now-6.24%B of A Securities
Craig Siegenthaler
→ $132UpgradeNeutral → BuyGet Alert
11/15/2022Buy Now-11.93%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$123 → $124MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/07/2022Buy Now-17.61%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$118 → $116MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
10/12/2022Buy Now-16.19%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$110 → $118MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
10/12/2022Buy Now-13.35%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$131 → $122MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/12/2022Buy Now-27.55%Citigroup
Christopher Allen
→ $102Initiates → NeutralGet Alert
10/06/2022Buy Now-17.61%UBS
Alex Kramm
$128 → $116MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/06/2022Buy Now-12.64%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$129 → $123MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
08/19/2022Buy Now-11.22%Atlantic Equities
Simon Clinch
$120 → $125MaintainsOverweightGet Alert
08/17/2022Buy Now16.49%Rosenblatt
Andrew Bond
→ $164Initiates → BuyGet Alert
08/12/2022Buy Now-6.95%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$124 → $131MaintainsBuyGet Alert
08/08/2022Buy Now-21.87%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$109 → $110MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
07/19/2022Buy Now-22.58%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$134 → $109MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
06/22/2022Buy Now-10.51%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$142 → $126MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
06/01/2022Buy Now-1.98%Argus Research
Kevin Heal
$148 → $138MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/20/2022Buy Now-4.82%Jefferies
Daniel Fannon
$161 → $134MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/19/2022Buy Now-16.9%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$143 → $117MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/06/2022Buy Now1.57%Credit Suisse
Gautam Sawant
$152 → $143MaintainsOutperformGet Alert
05/06/2022Buy Now-4.82%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$147 → $134MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
05/06/2022Buy Now1.57%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$161 → $143MaintainsBuyGet Alert
05/06/2022Buy Now0.86%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$157 → $142MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
04/14/2022Buy Now6.54%Rosenblatt
Sean Horgan
$157 → $150MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/13/2022Buy Now4.41%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$145 → $147MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
04/07/2022Buy Now14.35%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$155 → $161MaintainsBuyGet Alert
04/06/2022Buy Now11.51%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$161 → $157MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
03/08/2022Buy Now11.51%Rosenblatt
Sean Horgan
$156 → $157MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/18/2022Buy Now10.09%Deutsche Bank
Brian Bedell
$163 → $155MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/15/2022Buy Now13.64%Credit Suisse
Gautam Sawant
→ $160Initiates → OutperformGet Alert
02/08/2022Buy Now2.99%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
$143 → $145MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
02/04/2022Buy Now10.8%Rosenblatt
Sean Horgan
$153 → $156MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/04/2022Buy Now5.83%UBS
Alex Kramm
$164 → $149MaintainsBuyGet Alert
02/04/2022Buy Now14.35%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
$158 → $161MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
01/20/2022Buy Now8.67%Rosenblatt
Sean Horgan
$158 → $153MaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/16/2021Buy Now14.35%CitigroupMaintainsBuyGet Alert
12/10/2021Buy Now12.22%Rosenblatt
Sean Horgan
MaintainsBuyGet Alert
11/02/2021Buy Now1.57%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
10/29/2021Buy Now11.51%Rosenblatt
Sean Horgan
MaintainsBuyGet Alert
10/08/2021Buy Now-6.95%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
10/06/2021Buy Now2.28%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert
08/02/2021Buy Now-11.93%Morgan Stanley
Michael Cyprys
MaintainsEqual-WeightGet Alert
07/30/2021Buy Now-0.56%Raymond James
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
MaintainsStrong BuyGet Alert



Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) 주식의 목표가는 얼마인가요?


Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE)의 최신 목표 주가는 7월 1, 2024에 Goldman Sachs에 의해 보고되었습니다. 이 애널리스트 기관은 $167.00에 대한 가격 목표를 설정했으며, 12개월 이내에 ICE이(가) rise될 것으로 예상합니다 (가능한 18.62% upside). 지난 1년간 43개의 애널리스트 기관이 평가를 보고했습니다.


Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)에 대한 가장 최근의 애널리스트 평가는 무엇인가요?


Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE:ICE)에 대한 최신 애널리스트 평가는 Goldman Sachs에 의해 제공되었으며, Intercontinental Exchange은(는) buy 평가를 업그레이드했다합니다.


Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)에 대한 마지막 업그레이드는 언제 있었나요?


Intercontinental Exchange Inc에 대한 마지막 업그레이드는 7월 1, 2024에 발생했습니다. 이 때 Goldman Sachs는 $167로 가격 목표를 올렸습니다. Goldman Sachs는 이전에 Intercontinental Exchange Inc에 대해 a neutral를 가지고 있었습니다.


Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)에 대한 마지막 다운그레이드는 언제 있었나요?


Intercontinental Exchange에 대한 마지막 다운그레이드가 없습니다.


Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)에 대한 다음 애널리스트 평가는 언제 게시 또는 업데이트될 예정인가요?


애널리스트들은 주식 평가를 내리기 위해 철저한 연구를 진행합니다. 이 연구에는 공개된 재무 보고서를 검토하고, Intercontinental Exchange의 경영진 및 고객과 대화하며, 실적 회의 통화를 듣는 것이 포함됩니다. 대부분의 애널리스트들은 이를 매 분기마다 수행하므로, 한 해에는 회사당 애널리스트 당 4번의 평가를 받을 수 있습니다. Intercontinental Exchange에 대한 마지막 평가는 7월 1, 2024에 제출되었으므로, 다음 평가가 7월 1, 2025쯤에 제공될 것으로 예상됩니다.


애널리스트 평가 Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)가 올바른가요?


평가는 주관적이며 변할 수 있지만, 최신 Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) 평가는 업그레이드했다로, 가격 목표는 $0.00에서 $167.00으로 조정되었습니다. 현재 Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)의 가격은 $140.79로, 이는 애널리스트의 예측 범위에서 within입니다.

검색 애널리스트 평가 및 가격 목표 모든 주식에 대한

사람들이 또한 지켜본다